Fees For Requests For Personal Information: A request for information about oneself is considered a "personal information request". The following fees apply to requests for your own personal information:
Application Fee: $5.00 - Mandatory fee to be paid when request submitted
Photocopying: $0.38 / page
Computer Programming: $15.00 per ¼ hour if needed to develop program to retrieve information
Discs/CDs/DVDs: $10.00 for each disc/CD/DVD
Fees For Requests For General Information: Requests for information, whether about a person other than yourself or about a government program or activity are considered "general information requests". The following fees apply to a request for general information: Application Fee: $5.00 - Mandatory fee to be paid when request submitted
Search Time: $7.50 per ¼ hour required to search and retrieve records Record Preparation: $7.50 per ¼ hour required to prepare records for release (e.g. severing)
Photocopying: $0.38 / page
Computer Programming: $15.00 per ¼ hour if needed to develop program to retrieve information
Discs/CDs/DVDs: $10.00 for each disc/CD/DVD
Time limits: Please note that the time for processing access requests is 30 days (s.19 MFIPPA). The Township will strive to complete your request as quickly as possible. However, in circumstances where there is a large volume of records or it is necessary to consult with outside agencies, the Township may ask for an extension of the 30 day time limit.
Submitting Fees: Payment may be made by cash, cheque, money order or debit. Please make cheques payable to The Township of Ramara. The mailing address is PO Box 130, Brechin, ON L0K 1B0. Requests may also be submitted in person at the Township of Ramara Administration Centre, at 2297 Highway 12, Brechin, Ontario.
Taxes: GST and PST are not applicable to fees charged under MFIPPA.